Hotmail –
Hotmail login is the step by step for you to make accessing your Hotmail mailbox simple and fast.
We’ll show you the walkthrough for you to access your mailbox and also how to create a free account if you don’t have one.
To directly access your account access now THIS LINK HERE.
We put in the second paragraph the direct link to Microsoft’s mailbox, but now let’s detail how you should proceed to login to the Hotmail email login step by step, ok?
Well, first you must follow the link we mentioned to enter the email Hotmail, after that will open a page containing various information on how to create an account and right in the footer you will find a link with the name “LOGIN”, access this link.
How to sign in to
After accessing the sign in link you must fill in your Microsoft email and passwords so that you can go to login and check your emails, send messages and more.
You should note that in the “email” field you can also enter your phone or Skype, so if your Microsoft account has your registered mobile number or a Skype account, either of these two information can be used to sign in to login.
Hotmail login account by celular
Another way to access your Hotmail login messages is through the Microsoft mobile app, now with a new name “Microsoft Outlook”, this is the name you will find when searching the PlayStore or App Store, for example.
Once you find the app and install it you should open it and enter your credentials in the Hotmail login account. That done you are already logged in to your account and can now send and receive messages through the app.
Access login or
Well, as you have noticed, the login page for the Microsoft website login now has a logo named Outlook. Don’t worry, this is perfectly normal, meaning it is the new page to access your email account.
It turns out that Microsoft has created a new email service called Outlook with more features, technology, design, features, native applications and more. This idea arose so that your webmail service would remain competitive with the other services of its kind that have emerged over the years.
So in July 2012 Microsoft unified the login with Outlook and today we access all the settings through the Outlook portal.
Remember that nothing has gone extinct, our emails remain intact, email settings, contact list, everything is as we left, but now we have a new login page that takes us to our old email delivering us to us. more features in your inbox and settings. login direct login is Microsoft Hotmail’s internet address since its creation on July 4, 1996 has always had this url for access to your email box.
Here is the full story of this email service since its foundation:
But today when we access we are directed to a new site called Outlook as is already known by virtually all users of the platform. So the old address still works, just the site redirected to the new address.
This way you can access all the settings of your email by typing enter then a new portal with the name Outlook will appear and then just click enter and fill in the fields with your login credentials normally.
Hotmail – Safety Tips
As you have already noticed in your email box are all your contacts, important emails, reports and more, so we must beware of our login details so that they are not caught by people who act in bad faith online.
The first tip we provide here is to use strong passwords that include letters, numbers, and a character set to make it harder for malicious people to work.
The second tip is to avoid accessing Hotmail login on publicly accessible devices or computers such as cyber cafes, shared computers, and also avoid public wifi email such as airports.
The third tip is not to enter publicly known information such as mobile phone number, date of birth of you or relatives or passwords already used in other services.
Hotmail + Skype
Another new feature of the new is that you can now access your Skype directly from your inbox without having to install software or another external site for this purpose.
That is, after accessing and being in the mailbox you will see in the left sidebar the chat icon of Skype, just click and enjoy the chat service of Microsft, Skype.
Hotmail + OneDrive
Still regarding the new features added to this webmail service, OneDrive also deserves special attention from the users of this webmail service.
As explained in this article, when the user has his mailbox he has at his disposal several features and functionality natively integrated in the same tab and one of them is OneDrive.
So when you log in to your account and click on the OneDrive link on the upper right tab this feature is triggered allowing you to save photos, music, general documents, videos and more online.
Simply put, you can now also save your files directly from your inbox through OneDrive. Remember that you have 30 gigabytes available to store anything you want in the same Hotmail login. Enjoy.